speculative futures milan

Stuart Candy at Speculative Futures Milan, February 2020, @ PwC Experience Center

Speculative Futures Milan is the Italian chapter of Speculative Futures Meetups, a community organized by the Design Futures Initiative, a non-profit organization based in San Francisco. Speculative Futures Milan wants to promote future literacy within local communities and organizations.

The chapter began in 2019 with Alex Cascarano, Alex Di Benedetto, Pietro Curtolillo, and Giovanni Caruso as founders. At the end of 2019, Silvio Cioni joined the team. Since mid-2021, Silvio Cioni and Giovanni Caruso have led the chapter.

While the chapter started as a local event, all the operations have been moved online due to the pandemic. From time to time, the chapter has also helped educational organizations with research projects. All events are free.

On LinkedIn, the Speculative Futures Milan page is one of the most popular profiles for future thinking and design futures. As curator of this space, Giovanni’s commitment to selecting critical and weird content – weak signals, on-the-verge essays, and critical use cases – has helped grow a group of almost 4,000 engaged followers worldwide – from students to artists, from designers to businesses, and innovation executives.

Past events

The Future Prompt. How Design is Transforming Design, April 2023. Organized for Domus Academy as part of its events for the Milan Design Week 2023 – Guests: Alexandra Mihai, Viraj Joshi, Tobias Revell, Simone Rebaudengo

Talk with Julian Bleecker, Nov 30, 2022 – Guests: Julian Bleecker (Near Future Laboratory), Gabriele Ferri (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Collecting Everyday Archetypes, Nov 17, 2022 – Guest: Isabella Bruno

“Design after Capitalism.” Book talk & Discussion, Jun 17, 2022 – Guest: Matthew Wizinsky

The Critical Catalyst Workshop, Apr 22, 2022 – Guest: Ammer Harb (Politecnico of Milan)

Disco school: plan the unplannable, Dec 20, 2021 – Guests: Matt Ward, Jimmy Loizeau, Sara Božanić, Ivica Mitrović, Vera Fearns, Global Chapters Lead of the Design Futures Initiative, Aireen Grace Andal, Einar Sneve Martinussen

Designing for more than Human Futures, Nov 9, 2021 – Guests: Juliana Schneider, Maja Dika

Black Panther and the Death of Sci-Fi Interfaces, Jun 29, 2021 – Guest: Chris Noessel

The Age of Autonomous Commerce (aCommerce), Jun 9, 2021 – Guest: Cecilia Mosze Tham

Making Critical (More-than-human) Futures, May 25th, 2021 – Guest: Laura Forlano

Beyond Speculative Design: Past. Present-Future, Mar 24, 2021 – Guests: Ivica Mitrović, James Auger, Michael Smyth, Ingi Helgason, Enrique Encinas, Salvatore Iaconesi, Matt Ward, Julian Hanna

Speculative Futures, Mar 3, 2021 – Guests: Ivica Mitrović, Karla Paniagua, Enrique Encinas, Paolo Cardini, Sara Božanić,

Science fiction did not predict this. Dec 10th, 2020 – Guest: Riccardo Fassone

Conversation from the futures, Jul 9, 2020 – Guest: Angelica Fontana, Julia B, Gabriele Ferri

Preferable Worlds, Jun 4, 2020 – Guest: Jorge Camacho

Futures Series 20 – Actionable Futures Toolkit Workshop, Feb 8, 2020 – Guest: Sami Niemela

Futures Series 20 – Stuart Candy, Feb 3, 2020 – Guest: Stuart Candy

Futurish. A generative card deck workshop, Dec 10, 2019 – Guests: Silvio Cioni, Angelica Fontana

Il futuro come strumento educativo, Jun 6th, 2019 Guest: Cristina Pozzi

This is Milan Speculative Futures, Apr 11, 2019 Guest: Simone Rebaudengo